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CPE electronic trigger/flag

Infection Prevention Control Forums Group Forums CPE electronic trigger/flag

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    • #10314

      Hi all,
      As you are aware all acute hospitals use the electronic Pims system to activate an IPC alert for patients with a CPE, however as you are also aware it can only be seen for alerts placed within the locality/region. I am just wondering if anyone has a system in place which flags/triggers staff to check CPE status before they can continue with an acute admission? I thought I had heard of somewhere which uses a system to prevent the progression of an electronic admission in the ED/AMAU until a question has been answered on patients CPE status? Does anyone have a default system which has to incorporate CPE status clarification on admission? If so would you be willing to share this information?
      In CUH we rely only on the Pims Alert system for CPE notification and other MDRO’s but have found that this is not always checked in a timely manner and it has resulted in patients with CPE alerts not managed appropriately for long periods of time.
      We would like to implement a system which flags CPE status as a required data field for all acute admissions.

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